Tuesday 19 June 2012

New record for Madeira

According to a released statement on the 14th of June, more than 300,000 passengers visited the Port of Funchal in the first 5 months of this year, representing an increase of 23,400 tourists on ships, stopping 162 times in the capital of Madeira.

The administration of Harbours states, that the data indicates the port of Funchal to "hit a new record" in numbers of scales, with over 11 ships and passengers.

In terms of Nationality, the first on the list are UK tourists, who were more than 114,000, followed by German (91 165), American (14,082), Italian (12,740), French (9429), Brazilian (6659), Swiss (4541), Dutch (4458) Spanish (4071) and Canadian tourists (4063).

On average, three cruises dock the island on a daily basis, though the peak season presented a higher number of 8 to 10 times.

Due to such formidable figures of consistent uprise visits, an increase of tourists and therefore docking is predicted in the next three to five years.

For more information please visit: http://www.acropolissgps.com/

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